Find out the unique ‘injury profile’ of your town or city
Find out the unique ‘injury profile’ of your town or city
Where and how do injuries happen in your town or
How many days of potentially productive work are lost locally because of injury?
And how does your town or city compare with the rest of New Zealand?
Answers to these questions, and more, can be found in the Injury Comparison Reports available on ACC’s website, which were recently updated based on 2012/13 data.
There are 72 reports available – one for each territorial authority in New Zealand.
ACC’s General Manager of Injury Prevention, Megan McKenna, says “The reports are a valuable tool that can help ACC and communities prioritise local injury prevention initiatives.
“Here in New Zealand, we have a wealth of information about injuries and their causes, through the comprehensive data collected by ACC.
“The ACC data in the reports is complemented by statistics from other sources, such as the Police and Statistics New Zealand, to provide an even more insightful picture of where and how injuries are happening.”
Ms McKenna says ACC is keen to share this data, to enable the best possible use to be made of it.
“ACC has a big role to play in injury prevention, and we work collaboratively with other organisations, such as Government agencies and local Councils, to do this.
“These reports give us all a snapshot of what’s happening at a community level, and we hope they’ll help inspire solutions that ultimately enhance people’s wellbeing.”
ACC recently updated its approach to injury prevention, identifying seven priority areas, which generally result in the highest rate, severity and costs of injuries:
- falls
- road injuries
- workplace injuries
- treatment injuries
- sport and recreational injuries
- lifting, carrying and strain injuries
- intentional harm (including sexual violence).
“We also have community injury prevention consultants based all over New Zealand. Their job is to coordinate the delivery of our injury prevention initiatives to help address local issues and concerns.”
The updated Injury Comparison Reports can be viewed at: