Stop Smart Meters
Stop Smart Meters
“The Democrats for Social Credit Party (DSC) wholeheartedly endorses the Stop Smart Meters campaign for a moratorium on installations of smart meters until the technology is proven not be a risk to health, and until home owners are given a choice about whether or not they are willing to admit the smart grid into their homes” Stephnie de Ruyter, DSC leader and Energy spokesman, told an Invercargill meeting today.
“Smart meters being rolled out across New Zealand have yet to be proven safe for anything more than information gathering. Serious concerns overseas about the safety of these devices must not be ignored just because our safety standards are out of date and inadequate.
“Smart meters use microwave radiation to transmit data about customers’ electricity use. Electricity companies are generally telling their customers that the meters are safe because the microwave radiation that they produce falls within NZ safety standards. But NZ safety standards are dangerously outdated as they take into account only the thermal (heating) effects of microwave radiation - and ignore the research that shows that much lower levels of microwave radiation may be a health hazard.
Dr. Dominique Belpomme, President of the Association for Research on Treatment Against Cancer (ARTAC), and Founder of the European Cancer and Environment Research Institute (ECERI) had this to say during an interview earlier this month:
High level independent scientists all agree that there is a major risk from propagation of wireless technology: appearance of certain cancers (EMF are recognized as “potentially carcinogenic” by WHO) and the risk of Alzheimer’s in electrosensitive persons.
Do we continue this technology for purely economic reasons or do we take into account the very high health costs that we will be paying as a result?”
“Claims that smart meters will save energy,
increase power reliability, and give consumers more control
of energy use in their homes are optimistic, at best.
Experience in the United States shows
smart meters and
grids typically use more energy, they are extremely hackable
(making the entire power grid vulnerable), and most
customers suffer higher power bills immediately following a
smart meter installation.
“Internationally acclaimed digital technology engineer Dr. Timothy Schoechle says: The smart meter is a canard—a story or a hoax based on specious and grandiose claims about energy benefits ostensibly derived from the promise of “two-way” communication with the customer. There is essentially no possibility that most smart meters or meter networks will lead to greater sustainability.
“The compulsory installation of smart meters into unsuspecting Kiwi homes must stop. Now.”