Protest against Paula Bennett tonight in Waitemata, 7pm
Protest against Paula Bennett tonight in Waitemata, 7pm
"Hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders including more than 285,000 children are living in poverty because of the destructive welfare changes of the National Government. We call for an end to all benefit sanctions and to raise the benefit to the level of a living income."
"Both National and Labour Goverments have eroded the welfare system, from National's drastic cuts in 1991 to Labour's cutting of the Special Benefit, to National's abolition of the Training Incentive Allowance for university study, to the forcing of mothers of babies and the sick to seek full time work- the list goes on," said Janet Robin, President of Unite Waitemata.
"It's time to stop the destructive attack upon beneficiaries and to recognise that beneficiaries are important members of society" she said. "Mothers are raising the future generation. They deserve respect and support so that their children can achieve their potential as future citizens and workers."
"The frequent losing of files, disrespectful attitudes, refusing of special needs grants for essentials like food and electricity, and the issuing of sanctions for trivial errors, leave many beneficiaries without the necessities of life for weeks or months on end" she said. "Many become homeless."
"Paula Bennett has been a shocking Minister whose cavalier attitude beggars belief," she said. "Ms Bennett only won by 6 votes last election, and is not fit to be a Minister," she said. Ms Bennett benefitted herself from a more generous DPB, Training Incentive Allowance, and assistance from Housing New Zealand, and is now denying those same opportunities to others."
"We hope for a good showing tonight to show Ms Bennett that she is not welcome here," she said.
At 7:30 pm on Wednesday 26th March social warfare minister Paula Bennett will be daring to show her face publicly at Kelston Community Centre.
Be there to tell her what you think of her ongoing demolition of the welfare system. Out with the NACTS! No Benefit Sanctions! Stop child poverty! A living income for all now!
Time: 7.10 pm to be ready for the audience for Paula
Bennett as they arrive.
Address: 135 Awaroa Rd, Sunnyvale
0602, just off Great North Rd.
All Welcome! Bring your banners and placards!
Organised by Unite Waitemata Branch.