Locals display concern through the Bucket Fountain Oil Spill
Locals display their concern through the Bucket Fountain Oil Spill.

An oil spill
in Wellington’s iconic Bucket Fountain this morning is a
clear demonstration that Wellingtonians are deeply concerned
about the threat of deep sea drilling. The oil spill which
has been installed at the fountain displays the threat which
deep sea drilling poses to the beautiful Wellington coasts
as well as local businesses, the environment, and
This displays just one aspect of the opposition in Wellington, and throughout the country local groups are taking a strong stand against this Government’s expansion of fossil fuel exploration. Groups are campaigning on issues ranging from sea bed mining to hydraulic fracturing (fracking). For example, on Sunday the 12th Oil Free Otago formed a ready response team of over two hundred people to actively impede offshore drilling and exploration.
Oil Free Wellington is taking staunch action in opposition to the Texan oil giant, Anadarko, which is beginning their seismic surveying operations in the Pegasus Basin this February. One such action is the March to Stop Deep Sea Drilling which is organized for Friday January 24th, and starts at Midland Park at 12:30pm.
Oil Free Wellington organizer Fi Gibson said “it’s great to see such strong opposition to fossil fuel extraction within Aotearoa New Zealand. With the Government refusing to let the public be notified or consulted on fossil fuel exploration it’s brilliant to see people taking action which will force the Government and fossil fuel companies to listen”.