Queer Avengers stand in solidarity with Chelsea Manning

Published: Tue 3 Sep 2013 01:36 PM
Queer Avengers stand in solidarity with Chelsea Manning
The Queer Avengers are holding an action in solidarity with imprisoned US whistleblower Chelsea Manning, this Saturday at the US Embassy. Manning recently came out as a transwoman in international media.
The Queer Avengers argue that the oppression of gender and sexual minorities is an international problem, demanding an international movement. “We stand against oppression everywhere,” says Queer Avenger Ian Anderson.
Anderson supports both Manning’s release, and respect for her self-identification. “Manning was unjustly imprisoned for exposing the crimes of US imperialism,” says Anderson. “Now she faces imprisonment in a male prison, although she identifies as a woman.”
The Queer Avengers note that this prison system injustice also occurs in Aotearoa/NZ. “As we saw with Glen Cooper’s case,” continues Anderson. “Transwomen are forced into male prisons here as in the United States.”
The Queer Avengers further note that this disrespect of self-identification occurs not only in the prison system, but in the media. “Despite a clear and unambiguous statement,” observes Megan Bowra-Dean, “Chelsea has been repeatedly misgendered and misnamed by international media and the media in New Zealand.”
“Even the so-called LGBT media has let the people they're supposed to represent down,” adds Bowra-Dean. “'s coverage repeatedly refers to Chelsea by the wrong name and pronouns. When questioned about this they have stated that they thought it would be "confusing" for their readers to respect Chelsea's identity and have refused to correct it.”
The Queer Avengers stand against all forms oppression, and for a society based on self-determination. The group will be rallying at 2pm on Saturday the 7th of September, at the US Embassy in Wellington.

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