Kulukona Akau’ola Manslaughter Sentencing
Kulukona Akau’ola Manslaughter Sentencing
Kulukona Akau'ola was sentenced to 2 and a half years imprisonment at the Auckland High Court today for the Manslaughter of her unnamed baby boy.
The newborn was killed very shortly after he was born and was located buried in the backyard of Akau-ola's Otahuhu home a week later by Police.
The case was an avoidable tragedy. "The tragedy of this case is that there were people that would have loved and cared for this baby who would now be two years old," says Detective Inspector Dave Lynch of Counties Manukau CIB.
Police strongly urge any woman that is pregnant and feels they have nowhere to turn to seek help. There are a number of agencies that are available to assist with confidential counselling advice around unwanted pregnancies such as Pregnancy Centre, Youthline and Pregnancy Help.
Police also urge any other people with knowledge that a person is concealing a pregnancy to take some affirmative action themselves by referring the mother to an agency who can assist them on a confidential basis.
"The welfare of the mother and the unborn child is paramount. We need to ensure young mothers with unwanted pregnancies get the right support to assist them in making the best decisions for their own welfare and the welfare of the unborn child."