RMA Claims Another Victim
RMA Claims Another Victim
Libertarianz leader Richard McGrath extended his party's sympathy and support to a farmer being punished for cutting down some of his own trees.
"Once again, the hideously deformed monster spawned by Geoffrey Palmer and Simon Upton threatens the livelihood of a hard working New Zealander."
"I refer to Waikato farmer Christopher Jones, who our courts are harassing via the Resource Management Act for chopping down what he thought were his own trees on his own property."
"This case is a stark reminder that no man - or woman - can be certain of their ownership of anything as long as National and Labour lead our governments."
"The legacy of Upton and Palmer is this abomination of a law which undermines a bulwark of Western civilisation, and which places nebulous bullshit concepts such as anthropogenic climate change, 'stewardship', the intrinsic values of ecosystems, amenity values and the finite characteristics of resources over and above time-honoured principles such as the sanctity of property rights and the rule of objective laws that protect innocent people from aggressive force."
"This show trial is a further reminder - if any was needed - that neither Labour nor National have the slightest interest in supporting the basic rights of New Zealanders. The National Party's former support for farmers has morphed into a grotesquely sadistic tool for persecuting property owners."
"Christopher Jones needs to accept that despite what he might think, and despite being forced to pay taxes on its productivity, his farm does not actually belong to him."