Wgtn Library branch hours saved, long-term cuts concerning
27 June 2013
Wellington Library Coalition: branch hours saved but long-term cuts are a concern
The Wellington Library Coalition today congratulated the Wellington City Council on its decision to maintain existing opening hours at its libraries across the city. In its annual plan, adopted today, the Council has agreed not to proceed with earlier proposals to cut Khandallah library’s morning opening hours, and not to reduce evening opening hours at other branches.
‘This shows that Councillors have been listening to the concerns of communities across Wellington about ongoing cuts to library hours and services.’
Wellington Library Coalition advocates for users and staff of public libraries in Wellington, and brings together groups like Owners of Wellington Libraries (OWL), Save Khandallah Library, supporters of the Brooklyn Library, library campaigners from Wellington City and the wider Wellington region, and the Public Service Association. All share concerns about cuts to library hours, services and jobs.
At its presentation to the Council today, Chris Coles, speaking for the Coalition, sounded a note of warning. ‘Although the Council has backed away from cuts to opening hours, we understand that eight fulltime positions are being cut from Library staff across Wellington. After years of budget cuts, there is no leeway in the system, so this inevitably means that services will be cut further. Already we’ve seen cuts to holiday programmes for children, weekly pre-school story times, and children’s book clubs, not to mention the loss of professional and frontline library staff.’
‘Funding for libraries in Wellington has declined. From analysing the Council’s spend on library services over the last 5 years we know that between 2007-2008 and 2011-2012 the percentage of Council operational expenditure on library services has declined from 6.7% to 5.6%. If the Council had maintained the level of funding at 6.7% over the last five years then libraries would be over $8.5 million better off today. Other areas of Council spending have not received the same level of cuts, with some enjoying significant increases in operational funding over the same time period.’
‘This is unsustainable in the long term’, said Mr Coles. ‘Library cutbacks affect the people who need those services most. We have asked to meet with WCC Chief Executive Kevin Lavery, and we will be seeking assurances about the long term funding for libraries in Wellington.’
WCC spending on libraries
1. Comparison of financial years 2007-2008 and 2011-2012
Year | Inflation | WCC Total Income | WCC Total Expenses | WCC Total Operational Expenses | Libraries Operational Expenditure |
2007-2008 | - | $360,400,000 | $334,900,000 | $319,990,000 | $21,366,000 |
2011-2012 | - | $465,300,000 | $403,100,000 | $381,500,000 | $21,234,000 |
Change | +15% | +29.1% | +20.4% | +19.2% | - 0.6% |
2. Decreasing investment
over time
In the same time period the percentage of
the total Council operating expenditure devoted to libraries
has decreased from 6.68% to 5.61%.
If Council had kept the level of operating expenditure at 6.68% over the last five years, the libraries would be over $8.5 million dollars better off today.
Total Operational Expenditure | Actual Library Operational Spending | % of Total | If 2007-2008 level of Library funding (6.68%) had been maintained | Difference in Funding | |
2007-2008 | 319,990,000 | 21,366,000 | 6.68% | 21,366,000 | 0 |
2008-2009 | 336,741,000 | 21,543,000 | 6.40% | 22,484,478 | 941,478 |
2009-2010 | 337,088,000 | 21,539,000 | 6.39% | 22,507,648 | 968,648 |
2010-2011 | 348,582,000 | 20,600,000 | 5.91% | 23,275,112 | 2,675,112 |
2011-2012 | 378,501,000 | 21,234,000 | 5.61% | 25,272,828 | 4,038,828 |
Total | 1,720,902,000 | 106,282,000 | 114,906,066 | 8,624,066 |
Libraries targeted for cuts
Cuts to libraries over
recent years are out of proportion to changes in other
Council operations. Areas that have seen significant funding
increases when comparing 2007-2008 with 2011-2012
Transport planning and policy 45.17%
• City
promotions, events, attractions 57.07%
• Business
support 273.71%
• Green Open Spaces 26.70%
• Water
network 31.05%
• Galleries and museums
• Recreation services 34.78%
• Community
support 36.08%
• Maori engagement 127.00%
Why are libraries being targeted with significant decreases in funding when other areas clearly show a significant increase in investment?