Oil and Gas – An Innovative and Ethical Industry?
Oil and Gas – An Innovative and Ethical Industry?
“As the oil and gas CEOs suit up in
New Plymouth this week for their ENEX
conference, we ask
just how much social discontent and safety concerns
it take for the industry and our governments to halt this
mad rush
for fossil fuels?” says Catherine Cheung,
Climate Justice Taranaki
“As Mayor Harry
Duynhoven welcomes delegates, stating ‘record levels
onshore and offshore exploration … a landscape of
much potential … spirit
of innovation …’, we ask
just how much more does the industry want to
exploit and
pollute our land, water and air? How innovative exactly
dumping toxic drilling wastes on farmland where cows
will graze? Is it
safe? Is it ethical?”
Since humans
started burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas on
large scale, CO2 levels in the atmosphere have
dramatically increased from
280 ppm to 400 ppm. The last
time this happened was 3-5 million years ago
and global
temperatures “reached 3-4 degrees C higher than today's
and as
much as 10 degrees C warmer at the poles. Sea
level ranged between 5 and
40 meters higher than
today,” according to the Scripps Institute
While CO2 absorption and release have
always varied through natural
processes, all credible
scientific organizations agree that the recent
steep rise
in CO2 levels is primarily caused by humans burning
As Prof. James Hansen, earth and
environmental scientist of Columbia
University reminds
us, “Global warming isn’t a prediction. It
happening. It would be immoral to leave young people
with a climate system
spiraling out of
“If it’s wrong to wreck the climate,
it’s wrong to profit from that
wreckage,” says Bill
McKibben, renowned author and environmentalist.
solutions – reducing energy consumption, energy efficiency
renewable energy – are here. But they are being
sidelined by our
governments and of course, the oil and
gas industry – they want to stay
rich at the expense of
our planet and those who live close to the land and
It is the farmers, fisherfolk, the poor and future
generations who
will suffer the most from the effects of
climate change.
There is a groundswell of public awakening
and discontent about the havoc
that the industry is
causing, mostly on safety and cultural grounds. It
increasingly apparent that drilling companies do not
have a social licence
to operate in Taranaki and
elsewhere in the country. The Parliamentary
for the Environment (PCE) recognised this when she
that “a 'social licence' for fracking has yet to
be earned” in her report
last year.
Climate Justice
Taranaki urges everyone to take a stand, speak out,
to the PCE, the central government, regional and
district councils and
energy companies, tell them that we
don’t want to continue down this path,
demand an
immediate stop to further fossil fuel exploration and
for a sustainable energy future instead,”
concludes Cheung.
Climate Justice Taranaki