Young Nats score victory on alcohol purchase age
Young Nats score victory on alcohol purchase age
The New Zealand Young Nats are thrilled at Parliament’s decision to keep the alcohol purchase age at 18 years.
“They threw everything at us, we were up against the odds but in the face of fear and hype young New Zealanders have rightly had their voices heard” says Young Nats President Sean Topham.
“Over 25,000 young people got in behind the Keep it 18 campaign on social media, they supported taking real action to tackle our heavy drinking culture, they have lobbied their Members of Parliament to support alcohol law reforms that would change the habits of drinkers, not the age.”
“We support many of the liquor law reforms proposed by the Government and we do so because they provide actual solutions for curtailing the drinking culture that affects all age groups.”
The Young Nats firmly believe in the individual freedoms and rights we all enjoy and that age has nothing to do with it.
“The Young Nats were proud to champion this cause to all our National Party Members of Parliament”
“At the end of months of misleading opposition this is a huge victory for 18 and 19 year olds across the country.”