LABOUR (32%, UP 2%)
Finding No. 4810 - This latest New
Zealand Roy Morgan Poll on voting intention was conducted by
telephone with a NZ wide cross-section of 1,033 electors
from July 23- August 5, 2012. Of all electors surveyed 3.5%
(down 1%) didn’t name a party.: August 10,
Today’s New Zealand Roy Morgan Poll
shows a drop in support for Prime Minister John Key’s
National Party 44% (down 3.5% since July 9-22, 2012).
Support for Key’s Coalition partners changed slightly with
the Maori Party 2% (up 1%), ACT NZ 0.5% (down 0.5%) and
United Future 0.5% (unchanged).
Support for Labour is up 2.% to 32%, Greens are 14% (up 3%), New Zealand First 4% (down 1.5%), Mana Party 1% (up 0.5%), Conservative Party of NZ 1.5% (down 1.5%).
If a National Election were held today today’s New Zealand Roy Morgan Poll suggests an election result would be ‘too close to call’.
The latest New Zealand Roy Morgan Government Confidence Rating is up 1pt to 114.5, with 49% (down 1%) of New Zealanders saying New Zealand is ‘heading in the right direction’ compared to 34.5% (down 2%) that say New Zealand is ‘heading in the wrong direction’.
Gary Morgan says:
“Today’s New Zealand Roy Morgan Poll shows National 44% (down 3.5%) now at its lowest level of support since the 2011 New Zealand Election and a lead of only 12% over the main Opposition Labour Party (32%, up 2%) — the closest gap between the two main parties since just after National won Government at the 2008 New Zealand Election (National: 44% cf. Labour: 32.5%).
“A potential Labour/Greens alliance (46%, up 5%) now holds a significant advantage over National (44%) and means if a New Zealand Election were held now it would be ‘too close to call’ and depend on the voting results of minor parties and whether they crossed the 5% threshold to win list seats."
Electors were asked: “If a New
Zealand Election were held today which party would receive
your party vote?”
This latest New Zealand Roy Morgan Poll on voting intention was conducted by telephone with a NZ wide cross-section of 1,033 electors from July 23- August 5, 2012. Of all electors surveyed 3.5% (down 1%) didn’t name a party.
[Full results and info: [Roy Morgan Research] Morgan Poll]