Minister shows arrogant disregard for parents and teacahers

Published: Wed 6 Jun 2012 11:57 AM
Quality Public Education Coalition
Education Minister shows arrogant disregard for parents and teacahers
Education Minister Hekia Parata’s refusal to meet with education sector groups together today in the face of outrage at the government’s decision to increase class sizes at public schools shows an arrogant disregard for the parents and teachers.
The Minister has backed herself into a corner and instead of trying to work with the sector to change the policy and is now digging in for a fight. Her statement that there will be no backdown on this hugely unpopular policy reinforces the enmity for public education which seems hard-wired into National’s DNA.
Parata is trying to cloak this attack on public education by saying one in five students is failing and the objective is to raise achievement for those students.
However the research evidence is clear that the very students the Minister says she wants to help would suffer the most if class sizes increase. Massey University’s Professor John O’Neill wrote to the Minister in February pointing out that any decision to increase class sizes would impact most on students already failing. He pointed out that even education researcher John Hattie, much quoted by the government, concluded in his major research project that “...increasing class size is poor policy.”
This is a political decision to undermine public education rather than an educational decision to raise achievement.
QPEC will be working with education sector groups to campaign to have this policy reversed.

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