Debate welcomed but too soon for lawyers
Debate welcomed but too soon for lawyers
Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu welcomes the current debate on the protections of Maori rights and interests, which has been triggered by the current SOE partial sales process. However, Kaiwhakahaere Mark Solomon believes it is too soon to reach for the lawyers and to head to the courts.
He says most Maori are passionate about water issues with Ngai Tahu and other iwi having been fully engaged with others at national and regional forums.
"For some years now we have been working productively with other iwi and with other water stakeholders on a whole raft of water issues. If we take Canterbury as an example, there has been excellent progress in developing inclusive water management tools, which are supported by all," Mr Solomon says.
"We are still in the process of engaging our people on freshwater, as well as SOEs. In terms of water, we have been particularly focussed on trying to address water quality and quantity issues. Our intention is to continue this tribal engagement and look to continue our dialogue with the Crown on these issues."