Young Nats endorse David Cunliffe for the Labour leadership
Young Nats
endorse David Cunliffe for the Labour
"David Cunliffe is a member of
the Young Nats, and we're endorsing him to be the next
Labour leader" says Northern Young Nationals Chairman, Sean
“Cunliffe signed up at the University of Auckland O’Week stall in March and put his name in the draw to win a BBQ"
“Cunliffe's candidacy is bloody exciting! He's a whole package of disloyalty, dishonesty and extravagance – he absolutely embodies Labour values. Shearer may be spiking the guns in caucus, but Cunliffe’s epic support of Phil throughout the campaign just shows how effective he would be at uniting the freshly decimated Labour caucus."
Young Nats Vice President, Zach Castles also added “The sheer charm and personality that David will bring to a factional Labour caucus would be really inspiring."
The Young Nationals are asking Labour MPs who want to leave the lukewarm cosiness of the current caucus to the heated intimacy that Clark nearly took them to in 1996 with 16% poll ratings, to Vote David Cunliffe for Labour Leader.

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