Neglected and Dying Caged Hens Exposed
Neglected and Dying Caged Hens Exposed
SAFE calls on authorities to close farms immediately
Thousands of layer hens have been found living in appalling conditions on farms that use illegal cages. Animal advocacy organisation SAFE has made an official complaint to MAF, calling for these farms to be closed immediately.
A three-month investigation by animal activists sparked a shocking exposé on TV One’s Sunday programme last night that revealed a number of battery hen farms using cage systems that were banned in 2008. It is believed the eggs from these farms are being supplied to retailers nationwide.
Footage given to SAFE shows thousands of birds suffering in severely overcrowded cages and in appalling physical condition. Dead, dying and decomposing birds were a common sight. A veterinary report described six birds rescued from one of the farms as in “an appallingly poor medical condition”. SAFE says many of the birds had had their beaks crudely cut off, were underweight and were suffering from severe feather loss.
SAFE director Hans Kriek says that despite more than twenty years of campaigning on this issue, he is outraged by the appalling conditions discovered. “These types of cages have now been banned for nearly four years and yet here we have thousands of animals still suffering in them. Food safety standards are also clearly breached, and you have to wonder how many unsuspecting consumers are eating eggs that have been laid on top of rotting carcasses!”
The Layer Hen Code of Welfare 2005 sets minimum standards for the farming of commercial laying hens. The code effectively banned the use of the old style battery hen cages from January 2008 by increasing the amount of space per hen and by requiring that cages must have doors that open over the full length of the cage. The old cages with their small doors often caused injury to the hens when they were removed from their cage.
“The 2005 code gave farmers three years to move away from these non complying cages but we now have evidence that some farmers are blatantly ignoring the welfare code and continuing to use these outdated and cruel cages. “It is horrifying that they can simply get away with it,” says Mr Kriek.
SAFE demands that the Minister of Agriculture David Carter forces his officials to take immediate action by prosecuting and closing down all farms that use illegal cages. “We also want MAF to carry out an audit of all cage farms in New Zealand to ensure compliance with the welfare code,” says Mr Kriek.
SAFE is also calling on all political parties to pledge to end the caging of layer hens and urges consumers to voice their opposition to cruel cage farming by boycotting cage eggs.