Union Movement rallies round locked out workers
Union Movement rallies round locked out workers
Over 100 meat workers have now been locked for 10 days at the Canterbury Meat Packers (CMP ANZCO) meat works in Rangitikei.
Dave Eastlake, National Secretary of the New Zealand Meat Workers Union says "workers who have been locked out are heartened by support from workers nationwide."
"These workers are being told to sign an agreement that cuts their pay by 20-30% to return to work."
Dave Eastlake said "the union challenged the lockout in the Employment Court yesterday and are waiting for a decision."
"Workers recognise that a reasonable settlement has to be reached and that may include some concessions, including cuts in pay, but they cannot accept what the company has proposed."
"Workers have set up a picket on State Highway One, are leafleting local communities, and the union is organising financial support like grocery vouchers and other essentials."