EDS calls for extension for submissions to EEZ oil bill

Published: Wed 19 Oct 2011 12:00 PM
EDS calls for extension of time for submissions to EEZ oil bill because of Rena disaster
The Environmental Defence Society has called for an extension of tomorrow's closing date for submissions on the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Bill. The Bill sets out the proposed new regime for managing the environmental effects of extraction activities in our oceans.
"In particular, the Rena distaster has raised important new questions about how we should regulate oil exploration in our oceans," said EDS Chairman Gary Taylor.
"It has demonstrated very clearly the potential environmental costs of oil spills, whether from ships or from oil well malfunctions. A blown oil well could make the Rena spill look very inconsequential by comparison. The government has stated a clear intention to allow much more oil, gas and mining in our seas.
"In our view the closing date for submissions to this important Bill should be extended into the New Year for two reasons.
"First, there may well be people involved in assisting with the response to the Rena disaster who might want to make submissions on this related matter. They could be people involved in the voluntary or official efforts and they will be preoccupied at present. The local iwi will have an interest.
"Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, there will be lessons learned from Rena that might be helpful in designing this legislation. For example, the whole question of how to assess and manage risks to the marine environment is critical to this Bill. Just where and how we set the environmental thresholds for approval needs careful thought and reassessment. And who pays if something goes wrong.
"It may also be the case that some activities in some locations should be avoided altogether if the risks are too high. How those decisions are made needs review after Rena. New Zealanders views on this point are important.
"There appears to be no rush in receiving submissions as Parliament will not be sitting until well into the New Year.
"We understand that there are constitutional constraints on formally extending deadlines past the election so are calling on all parties to indicate support for such a move when the new government takes office.
"Extending the deadline until the New Year seems sensible and warranted in these circumstances", Mr Taylor concluded.
Environmental Defence Society
EDS speaks for the environment. It has influence.
Since 1971, EDS has been driving environmental protection in Aotearoa New Zealand through law and policy change. That's why it's one of this country's most influential non- profit organisations when it comes to achieving better environmental outcomes.
EDS has expertise in key disciplines including law, planning, landscape and science. It operates as a policy think-tank, a litigation advocate, and a collaborator – bringing together the private and public sectors for constructive engagement.
EDS runs conferences and seminars on topical issues, including an annual Environmental Summit and the Climate Change and Business Conference.
EDS is a registered charity and donations to it are tax-deductible.
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