Will seniors see red, or yellow?
Will seniors see red, or yellow?
Age Concern New Zealand reminds businesses New Zealand's 600,000 older people are important consumers.
This follows the delivery of Telecom's new significantly smaller directories to Wellington homes last week.
Age Concern New Zealand President Liz Baxendine said the scaled down page-size could make the book difficult for older people to read, "this is particularly unfortunate for older people who are not internet savvy and rely heavily on the book."
Mrs Baxendine hopes the smaller font does not mean older people, many of whom live on little other than Government Superannuation, rely on Telecom's 018 directory.
"Older people count. We form a significant part of New Zealand's demographic make-up and our population is aging. It makes good economic sense for people marketing products and services to take older people's needs into consideration."
Telecom's phone books are produced by Yellow. Age Concern New Zealand attempted to contact Yellow's Communications Manager to question if the smaller sized books will be rolled out across the country. At the time of this release, Yellow had not responded to Age Concern's calls.