McClutchie urges action in Tauranga Oil Spill

Published: Mon 10 Oct 2011 09:35 AM
Media Release: Mana Party Ruatorea
September 18, 2011
McClutchie urges action in Tauranga Oil Spill
Mana Party’s Ikaroa Rawhiti Candidate Tawhai McClutchie’s fears an environmental disaster
Tawhai McClutchie has voiced extreme concern about the grounding of the MV Rena in the bay of Tauranga. “This is more than a wake-up call, the Government needs to get real and act fast."
“1500 tonnes of oil needs to be contained then has to be pumped out of the Rena. A vessel big enough to take the oil from the Rena needs to get over the reef to the leaking ship, and the tide has to be at its highest point. The longer authorities take their time the worse it’s going to get. And there is a lot that has to be done,” said Mr. McClutchie, who has had 15 years working on oil platforms and within the industry.
“With the ship so close to Mataitai, I’m very concerned about te hi ika (traditional fishing grounds). These are the ancient seabeds where Ngaiterangi have gathered kina, paua, mussels, and crayfish for hundreds of years. But now the region could be irreversibly damaged because of a moment of carelessness. I stand beside Ngaiterangi and the people of Tauranga during this difficult period."
Tawhai McClutchie says that now is the time to come together to get behind the clean-up.
“But as soon as we contain the area, we need to do some serious soul searching about whether we want to see larger oil operations in our waters and the larger dangers."
“I’m deeply opposed to National’s plans to drill off our coasts. We’ve all seen the massive damage to the environment, the wildlife, and to the people of the Gulf of Mexico,” said Mr.
McClutchie. “Now we see the ugly reality of an oil spill here, and the Government’s paralysed response tells us they have no idea what it’s getting us all into with drilling!"

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