Greens Seek Party Vote In John Key's Electorate
Greens Seek Party Vote In John Key's Electorate
Jeanette Elley has been selected to be the Green Party candidate in the Helensville electorate for the upcoming November general election.
“New Zealanders are seeking real answers to the economic and environmental challenges that we face, and more people are starting to realise that the Greens offer practical solutions“ said the Auckland IT professional and mother of two.
“The Green Party message this election is for a clean green economy that works for everyone. This means cleaning up our waterways, bringing our children out of poverty, and a focus on plenty of green jobs.”
“The advantage of MMP is that everyone has two votes. While the Helensville candidate vote might be expected to be a foregone conclusion, this is not an obstacle as we will be asking people to show their support by giving the Greens their party vote”.
Ms Elley, who ranks at number 19 on the Green Party list, previously lived in Torbay for ten years and has contested both Northcote and East Coast Bays electorates in past elections. She is a keen sportswoman, and was once a member of the New Zealand waterpolo team.
Recent polls have shown a lift in Green support, indicating the real possibility of several more Green MPs in parliament next time around.