The Nation Lineup This Weekend - 9/07/11 10:30am
Upcoming this Weekend 9/07 1030 --- Sunday Edition 10/07 0800 --- TV3
1. The latest on
the Murdoch news empire crisis --- Sean talks to Simon Carr,
Political Sketch writer for The Independent and former
Bolger/Prebble speech writer.
2. Ernst and Young taxation
expert Jo Doolan on capital gains taxes.
3. Russell
Norman with Duncan on how far the Greens want Labour's
Capital Gains Tax to go.
4. Narelle Suisted
investigates the plight of unskilled migrants --- here to
work, but not allowed to stay.
5. Sean talks to Labour's
Ruth Dyson on her reaction to the story. (Immigration
Minister Jonathan Coleman has declined to appear).
6. And
finally, veteran NZ rock singer Ray Columbus tells how he
was once asked to join the Rolling Stones.
7. Sunday
Edition Panel --- Sef Hao'uli (Broadcaster) and Anne Gibson
(NZ Herald Property