Inaugural Council Budget Labelled 'Steady as She Goes'
Inaugural Council Budget Labelled 'Steady as She Goes'
“I was the only councillor who voted against the Auckland Council’s 2011/12 annual plan budget and 3.94% rates increase. The document is good but I believe the public were expecting great – a step change. Amalgamation was all about transforming local government in Auckland. The 2011/12 annual plan compares well with past annual plans but it’s not transformative,” says Auckland Councillor for Orakei, Cameron Brewer.
“Auckland is now meant to be a better place to do business. I don’t believe the annual plan delivers that at all. In fact many think it’s harder and more expensive now than it was 12 months ago. This is a ‘steady as she goes’ budget. It lacks focus. I voiced concerns about inevitable rising council insurance costs given Christchurch, that we have no contingency for imminent Rugby World Cup blow-outs, and council’s ballooning debt to $4.5b by 2017.
I also voted against the $3.2m annual budget for the nine-person Independent Maori Statutory Board, as did Councillors Penrose, Stuart and Wood. I reminded councillors that in February there was public outrage when we signalled a possible $3.4m for the IMSB for 11/12. People will not view $3.2m as good value for money for part-time committee members, particularly when you consider total salaries for the 20 full-time councillors and mayor are less than $2m.
I put an amendment that council does not include ‘Maori Impact Assessments’ in council committee reports as is being requested by the IMSB. It was lost. I believe that’s why we have the Maori members on the committees – to tell us how decisions impact on their constituents not for us to tell them!
On the City Rail Link, I voted with an 17 other councillors to support Auckland Transport seeking a designation and that associated work begins, as has been encouraged by the Government,” says Cameron Brewer.