Images: Army Robot to be Used at Pike River Mine

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Robot operating in conjunction with an operator.
Media Release
Thursday, 22 November 2010
The Army is providing a specialist robot with a team from the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit to the Pike River Mine to see if it can be used to assist with the Police operation.
The technical name for the robot is the Remote Positioning Device Wheelbarrow Revolution, NZ Defence Force Version.
The robot is a battery powered vehicle that is capable of being remotely operated. The vehicle is able to perform reconnaissance, object retrieval and weapons delivery in human hazardous sites. Its primary role in the NZ Defence Force is for the disposal of Improvised Explosive Device (IED) and Explosive Ordnance Devices (EOD).

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Robot prepares to conduct a search of a vehicle.
In the robot's standard configuration it operates with four cameras, two for movement and two on the arm for weapon placement/aiming.
Recently the robot supported the NZ Police during the Napier siege.
Please direct any enquires on the use of the Army robot at the Pike River mine to the NZ Police.