Cut number of councillors in Wellington
Cut number of councillors in Wellington, says candidate
Cutting the number of
councillors in Wellington would reduce costs and speed up
decision making, says city council candidate Adam
“Why does a city our size need so many councillors and why does a region our size need so many councils?” asked Mr Cunningham, a candidate for Lambton Ward.
“Reducing the number would reduce costs and speed up decisions. Effective and efficient leadership teams are small and bring to the table a multitude of skills without duplication.
“Let’s stop creating a haven for personal agendas and lead New Zealand in proving that small and organised is the better way forward.”
Mr Cunningham said the infrastructure projects desperately required in Wellington would only be achieved through dedicated fiscal management.
“Does it take 15 councillors to formulate strategy for this city? Let’s get brave about a real strategy for management of ratepayer’s money. The council has many areas where efficiencies need to be addressed but you can only hope to set the right culture if you start at the top.”
Mr Cunningham said that following Auckland’s example to super city status would not necessarily be the answer.
“Let’s not be super anything until we are super efficient,” he said. “Auckland may be in the throes of becoming a super city but, in doing so, is likely to create more council held positions and committees. Keeping a watching brief on Auckland is important to ensure that when we look at consolidation we look at it in the light of lessons hard learnt north of the Bombay Hills.”