Discount policy still flawed says LGNZ
Discount policy still flawed says LGNZ
New regulations on late resource consent discounts announced today by government are an improvement but still flawed, says Local Government New Zealand.
Spokesperson Stephen Cairns says LGNZ has consistently lobbied against the regulations on behalf of councils.
“This idea is notional and not based on fact. Discounts on delays for resource consents add more cost to councils, and ultimately ratepayers. They are contrary to better regulation, less regulation – which is what we all want.
“However, at least the amount of discount which must be applied has reduced to a 5 per cent discount at five days late, rather than the whopping 25 per cent which was originally proposed.”
Mr Cairns says these discounts still put the incentives and disincentives in the wrong place.
“These regulations put good practice by councils at risk by compromising quality hearing panels, damaging positive relationships between applicants and councils, shutting down the option of pre-hearings and causing impossible time barriers for consultation.
“Of course councils should meet their statutory deadlines under the RMA, but the RMA has rigid processing deadlines, and discounts on contentious multiple-consent projects like hydro-electricity schemes could easily run into six figures.”
He says LGNZ will continue lobbying on behalf of its members so the RMA timeframes these discounts relate to are reasonable and appropriate.
To view LGNZ’s previous media release on the subject please go to