The people are speaking!!
The people are speaking!!
The Kiwi Party
14 August, 2009
Kiwi Party Leader and
Referendum Petition organiser Larry Baldock said he was
thrilled with the number of Kiwis making their voice heard
in the referendum.
The latest update from the Chief
Electoral Office confirms that as at 5.00pm Thursday 13
August 1,330,900 votes had been received by the Chief
Electoral Office vote-processing centre for the Citizens
Initiated Referendum on the question “Should a smack as
part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in
New Zealand”.
“This is approx 44% of those registered, a significant increase over the first week and many more than normally received after two weeks of the Local Government postal elections. It definitely puts the referendum on track to be a better turnout than Local Body elections with a result that cannot be discredited,” said Mr Baldock.