Unemployed young people will benefit from leg up

Published: Mon 3 Aug 2009 11:11 AM
Monday 3 August
Unemployed young people will benefit from leg up
The people who work with youth say the Job Ops package will help almost 17,000 young people continue to develop their skills and work experience.
New Zealand Aotearoa Adolescent Health and Development (NZAAHD) executive officer Sarah Helm says the new scheme will mean business, the military and community groups are able to engage the fresh, innovative and vibrant younger generation to develop their organisations.
“We are especially pleased that this substantial group of young people will not waste their skills and talent during this recession, and instead will be given an opportunity to either study or gain valuable work experience.” Young people were 2 to 3 times more likely to be unemployed than older people.
“Young people can offer a fresh perspective to a workplace because generally they have new ideas, are more likely to understand cutting-edge technology, and aren’t invested in the status quo. So they can offer real, and new perspectives that might help give a business the edge they need to get them through the recession.” “We need young people to be fully engaged in the economic recovery. It is them that will lead the economy in the future.” NZAAHD had been asking the Government for a similar package to address the mounting challenge of unemployment.
“We know that there is a strong relationship with mental health problems, crime and social issues connected to joblessness and poverty. However, for that reason we are concerned about the move to cut off financial assistance to 16-18 year olds.” The unemployment benefit has only been offered to a very small number of 16-18 year olds who are married or are in a marriage-like relationship.
“I wonder what the plan is to assist those young people? A number might be able to get parental support, but there will be others who cannot. They will be hard hit by this change.” NZAAHD encouraged its sector to prepare for a number of additional distressed young people seeking assistance, food parcels, and accommodation support.
Media Release New Zealand Aotearoa Adolescent Health and Development (NZAAHD)

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