64rd Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs
Press Release
Never Again!
64rd Anniversary of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings
Sunday August 9,
For the 34th consecutive year, people in Christchurch will hold a lantern ceremony on the Avon River in remembrance of those who died and the Hibakusha (survivors) of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Beforehand there will be a ringing of the World Peace Bell in the Botanical Gardens, and a gathering at the WEA with speakers, music, poetry and peace crane making.
A peal for
The World peace bell in the botanical gardens will
ring out at the exact moment of the anniversary of the
bombing of Nagasaki. This is part of an international
effort, known as ‘A peal for peace project’, to mark the
anniversaries with bell ringing across the globe. The
project aims to connect with people around the world to
transform the remembrance of horror into a rededication of
life. This will take place at 3:15pm, at the World Peace
Bell (across the river from the Band Rotunda).
music, poetry and afternoon tea
A gathering is planned at
the WEA (59 Gloucester St) between the bell ringing and
lantern ceremony. Speakers include Councillor Chrissie
Williams on local peace issues and Natasha Barnes, a
Canterbury University student who recently attended the
Non-proliferation Treaty negotiations in New York. A variety
of musicians will perform, including a Japanese choir, and
afternoon tea will be available. There will also be an
opportunity to learn how to make origami peace cranes,
before we walk down to the river to float the
Lantern ceremony
It is 64 years since the
nuclear bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Each year the people of these cities
float lanterns out to sea in memory of those who perished.
By floating lanterns into a river that flows into the same
ocean we affirm that we will continue to work for the
removal of all nuclear weapons from the earth, and to secure
a peaceful future for all.
Since 1975, Christchurch has commemorated Hiroshima and Nagasaki Days with a lantern ceremony on the Avon River. It is an opportunity for the city to share in the message ‘Hiroshima and Nagasaki – Never Again’.
The lantern floating ceremony is visually stunning, and offers an excellent and unique photographic opportunity.
This event is organized by Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (Otautahi branch) and The Quakers Religious Society of Friends with support from Christchurch City Council Peace City. For more information, contact Mia 980 4884.
3.15-3.30 Ring Peace Bell in
Botanical Gardens (across the river from the Band
4 pm WEA 59 Gloucester St - hot soup, drinks,
crane making
4.45pm Commemoration with songs and speakers
at WEA
5.15 Leave WEA for lantern floating, walk to
Victoria Square
5.30 Float lanterns, by Armagh Street
bridge in Victoria