Govt cuts now could mean more costs in the future
Government decisions now could mean $$$ more needed for the future.
• If National goes ahead with the cutting and stopping of tertiary education and night classes for the older people of this nation it could mean that future governments may have to spend much more.
• It is a well
known fact that learning anything new keeps the 50+ year old
minds, and consequently their bodies, active and helps to
ward off the onslaught of dementia, of which alzheimers is
but one part.
A wide range of specialised care
options is required from the time of diagnosis and the full
range of services are needed for people to delay entry to
residential care, which in itself is a huge cost.
• The people who lose out on the opportunity of further education of any sort to keep minds active could need many government $$$ in the future as dementia does not normally shorten their life span.
• I think I am correct in also stating that New Zealand is a signatory with UNESCO to provide “lifelong learning”. Why are they not now adhering to this programme?