More representation for Maori say students
More representation for Maori say Auckland students
Auckland University Students’ Association (AUSA) and Nga Tauira Maori o Te Whare Waananga o Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland University Maori Students’ Association - NTM) issued a joint statement today urging Auckland University students to make Select Committee submissions on Auckland Governance.
“Both AUSA and NTM endorse the recommendations of the Royal Commission’s report, so it is essential that Auckland students make a submission to the Select Committee and use their collective voice,” says AUSA President Darcy Peacock.
“AUSA encourages students to have a say on how their city is governed, especially at a time when many voices are being ignored. The Government’s proposal is threatening greater representation on council and taking away community involvement in decision making” says Peacock.
“For Maori students, opposition to the Government’s proposal is about honouring Maori as Treaty partners and as the indigenous people (tangata whenua) of New Zealand,” says Tumuaki/Maori Students’ Officer Kingi Snelgar.
“There is a historic relationship between Auckland tribes and the Crown that needs to be recognised, and NTM will be encouraging Maori students to make a submission. Even though the hikoi has finished, university students are well placed to push the Government to include dedicated Maori seats on the council,” says Snelgar.