Barren budget burns off John Key's teflon coating

Published: Fri 29 May 2009 12:34 PM
Alliance says barren budget has burned off John Key's teflon coating
Alliance Party media release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday 28 May 2009
The Alliance Party has hammered today's "barren budget."
Alliance Party co-leader Kay Murray says the National Party sold itself on election promises like tax cuts it knew it could never keep.
"John Key's teflon coating is wearing off, and he will not be able to smile his way through the economic crisis."
Ms Murray says National knew their tax cut promises were unaffordable for New Zealand.
She says National is governing in the interests of global financiers of the "casino economy", the same people who are responsible for the current recession, caused by greed and stupidity.
Ms Murray says ordinary people are paying the price, hit with spiralling living costs in housing, food, transport and education.
"National are more interested in building jails to incarcerate a young generation of New Zealanders than in education and social services to build up young people from disadvantaged communities."
Ms Murray says that the National Party is looking after its friends, just like in the 1990s.
"John Key has gone very quiet on saving jobs. While National slash the jobs of hard working New Zealanders such as those working for ACC, they are paying their mates like former Treasury Secretary Graham Scott $2000 a day to work from home as Mr English's razor gang adviser."

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