Carbon footprint study climate hysteria

Published: Fri 1 May 2009 03:19 PM
Carbon footprint study ultimate example of idiocy of climate hysteria
The announcement yesterday by Zespri of the results of a carbon footprint study have been described as “the ultimate example of the idiocy of climate hysteria.” The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition said that study completely ignores the volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) absorbed by kiwifruit vines in their annual growth cycles, which may well offset most if not all of the CO2 emitted in subsequent activities reported in the study.
“Setting aside the reality that there is no scientific evidence that emissions of CO2 have any marked effect on the global climate, this study also ignores the physical reality that without CO2, there would be no kiwifruit, or any other vegetative growth for that matter,” says the Coalition statement.
“Look at what Zespri said in its media release:
“The carbon footprint study has given Zespri a comprehensive understanding of the emissions at each stage of the lifecycle of Zespri kiwifruit:
* Orchard operations make up 17% of total emissions for EU exports;
* Packhouse and coolstore processes account for 11% of total emissions;
* Shipping accounts for 41% of total emissions;
* Repacking and retailer emissions amount to 9% of total emissions;
* Consumer consumption and disposal comprises 22% of total emissions.
“The study has been based on a Zespri kiwifruit destined for Europe.”
“This is only half the story. What is the point studying just the emissions half of the carbon equation without balancing those emissions against the volume of CO2 used by the vines to sustain growth and to produce the fruit?”
The Coalition said that studies such as this display an ignorance of the science of the natural carbon cycle. “As a country so dependent on the exports of primary products, New Zealand should be at the forefront of helping more industrialised countries to understand the vital role that CO2 plays in enabling our land to provide food for the world.”

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