95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady
95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady
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The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady 22/04/09
1220 - Defence Review - John Moreman Lecturer in Defence at Massey Uni Centre for Defence Studies
We begin the show today at 1220 when I'll be joined on the line by (above). We'll be talking about the government's recently announced Defence Force review, which aims to clarify our operational purpose and requirements in this area. The big talking points that have come out of the announcement have been the idea of selling real estate owned by the defence force and then leasing it back - "unwise" says Labour leader Phil Goff - and the proposed sale of some of our military equipment - "naive" says Goff, again. But a review is necessary; as it seems right now our military has no real clarity and, according to some, is at risk of becoming irrelevant.
1240 - Don Grant, Chairperson Geographic Board on NZ's Island names
With Michael Laws' eyeliner hand still shaky from the brazen attempt by the Geographic board to add an "H" to Wanganui, now the board has gone and set their sights on the names of this country's islands! Sort of. Apparently the names of the islands in both English and Maori have never been formalised, and the board crave nothing if not formality. This morning I spoke to their chairperson Don Grant about why they need to be underlined in the collective conscience, whether we might get names for the islands a little more exciting than "north" and "south", and why the whole process is historically and culturally significant.
1300 - David Karp, founder of tumblr.com
At one I'll play an interview I did earlier this week with the founder of tumblr - another player in the slew of social networking sites carving up the internet pie. David Karp is yet another whizz-kid, who at the ripe old age of 22 is a major player in IT circles. He was in NZ as key-note speaker at last weekend's Web 09 conference in Auckland which brought together a who's who of net-people to talk user-experience, design and technology. As such,tumblr was a perfect fit. The site bills itself as the easiest way to share yourself online, and having had a go, I'd be inclined to agree. It's one of the hottest blogging platforms on the internet today, one that's easily customised and massively popular. I talked to David about standing out online, the dangers of a society obsessed with self-broadcast and the benefits of youth in his field.
1320 - Counterclockwise
Alistair Thompson from the crack team at scoop joins us for counterclockwise today. Straight from the top of his dome, he'll be talking the defence review - aspects of which Alistair is none too happy with, as well as the lack of outcry from the Maori Party over representation under the Auckland super-city scheme. Are they getting ready to roll over, or do they just have their hands full with the whole Foreshore and seabed kerfuffle?
1340 - Book She Read
And Sally will join me in the studio at 1340 for another installment of Book She Read. Today she'll be pouring over the french gayNazi sensation that is "The Kindly Ones," eulogising the late, great JG Ballard who passed away earlier this week, and trying to figure out who exactly is the winner of this year's Pulitzer Prize.