Tax Cut Spending - April 1
Tax Cut Spending - April 1
We strongly believe that the Prime Minister’s message of spending the tax cuts is on the wrong track.
For decades the various governments and the Retirement Commissioner have being vehemently telling all of us to save and that we are a nation of poor savers.
Now more than ever what we need is for people to save and invest to tell otherwise is irresponsible, bad financial and economic management.
The economic market has to go through a correction and those Corporate, Entrepreneurs and Management who were greedy and unethical, need to bow out of business as they are responsible for this credit terrorism. We the taxpayers should not be rewarding them by dishing out our hard earned money or encouraging people to keep on spending.
The efficient and ethical businesses would eventually fill the gap and that is what we need.
We will no doubt have short time pains but in the long run with savings and investments we all would be better off.
Alton Shameem JP
Founder, Chairman & President
Fiji Club of New Zealand (FCNZ)