Free transport a success for seniors
Age Concern New Zealand Media Release
10 March 2009
Free transport a success for seniors - Age Concern
SuperGold Card holders have made over two and a half million bus, rail and ferry journeys since the free off-peak public transport scheme began last October.
Age Concern says the scheme has been a great success – in areas where it's available – and rejects any suggestion that the scheme is being used to fund jaunts.
"Building community involvement has real health and welfare benefits," Age Concern's Alistair Stewart says.
"Free off-peak transport is win/win. It's good for older people; it's good for public transport as it uses spare off-peak capacity, and it's good for the environment as it replaces car journeys.
"People aged over 65 are using free public transport to get to work (paid or voluntary), visit friends, do their shopping and generally keep engaged with their communities.
"The average fare subsidy is just $2.19 – that's a great investment. $18 million per year is available so $5.5 million for the first four months of the scheme is within budget."
Age Concern welcomes Prime Minister John Key's support for the scheme and his commitment to "fund the increase" if it becomes more popular than budgeted.
But Age Concern warns that not all older people are benefiting. For example, Auckland transport operators received over $2.8 million and senior Aucklanders can travel for free any time in the day after 9am. On the other hand, Age Concern points out that Gisborne and Marlborough got just $4000 each and the West Coast got nothing.
"Some areas with significant senior populations don't have off-peak public transport. Families, communities and community organisations like Age Concern are having to fill in gaps in services if we're going to help older people make the most out of life," Alistair Stewart says.