Tindall Donation Another Publicity Stunt - Bell
Media Release Saturday 28th February
When Judith
Bell learned that Stephen Tindall had been invited to
the Jobs Summit she correctly predicted that his dutiful
brother-in-law Tim Murphy (editor of the NZ Herald) would
give him the ensuing headline.
Tindall Donation
Another Publicity Stunt - Bell
Sure enough, we learn today
that the Tindall Foundation is pledging $1 million
towards training programmes.
" I wonder what the
training will entail and to be frank I am hard pressed to
see how any sort of training can off-set New Zealand
manufacturers who are forced to compete with Tindalls
imported Chinese products made from subsidised materials,
subsidised energy, in some cases prison labour which is
free, and then sold in a currency that is held artificially
low", said Judith Bell from Wellington
"It is hard to see that even if Levin
apparel manufacturer Swazi machinists all held PHDs, it
could make one iota of difference under the level of
unfair trade that is supported by Tindall and our
governments reluctance to apply sensible tariffs even though
the WTO rules allow this for a country whose deficit is the
size of ours."
"This job summit appears to have
offered the same sort of results as the costly Knowledge
Wave - another of Stephen Tindalls publicity stunts - which
we all know crashed on the rocks."
We would all
be much better off if The Warehouse pledged to purchase
$1million of New Zealand made products - but that would be
too obvious - and of course it wouldn't generate much of
a headline." laughed Ms