You'd Better *Make* It "Ideological," Mr. O'Reilly
SOLO-International Press Release: You'd Better *Make* It "Ideological," Mr. O'Reilly!
February 24, 2009
"This program never has been ideological and never will be," Fox's Bill O'Reilly boasted Monday.
"Presumably this explains why The O'Reilly Factor has been looking so insipid lately," says SOLO Principal Lindsay Perigo.
"At a time when Americans are looking to opinion-makers like O'Reilly to lead a principled, coherent charge against President Chavez-Obama, Bill suddenly seems too timid to hold an opinion. He tells his guests that any further opposition to Chavez-Obama's Bailout Bolshevism is a waste of time since the bailouts have become law. He sneaks Geert Wilders onto his program unannounced and tells him he's wasting his time fighting Islamofascism. He plays down the spectacle of his own church urging amnesty for illegal immigrants, contrary to his own position, because an amnesty would fill the rather deserted Catholic pews. The only thing that Bill seems to get worked up about latterly is homosexuality, where one suspects he'd like to see all gays thrown in jail for acting on their perverted, ungodly desires rather than being able to enjoy the freedom he sometimes remembers to affect concern for - but again, is too timorous to say so.
"Mr. O'Reilly is in danger of being overshadowed by his more gutsy junior colleagues Beck and Hannity. Neither of these gentlemen is a consistent, ideological upholder of freedom either, but they display a passion against Chavez-Obamism that seems to be eluding Bill. And Mr. Beck in particular shows willing to have Objectivist guests on his program who can explain the objective case for freedom.
"If Mr. O'Reilly persists with his 'non-ideological' kick, The Factor will assuredly become a non-factor in the daily lives of freedom-lovers who hitherto have repaired to it eagerly," Perigo concludes.