Israeli tennis player enjoys Israeli army training

Published: Thu 8 Jan 2009 09:32 AM
8 January 2008
Media Release
Israeli tennis player enjoys and excels in Israeli army training
Despite what she now says Israeli tennis star Shahar Peer was particularly keen to do her military training for Israel. She enjoyed it and even excelled in rifle marksmanship.
In an interview in the September 07 International Herald Tribune she referred to her Israeli army training saying "There was no question. All my friends are going and I wanted to be a part of it."
The paper commented that because there is a growing number of Israeli athletes and entertainers finding ways to evade army duties, Peer has become one of Israel's most popular figures because of her eagerness to do her training.
She excelled in rifle marksmanship "That was one of the best things in the basic training," she says in the interview "I really liked it. It was special and I learned a lot."
There are many young Israelis who refuse to serve in their military. Many of these “refuseniks” as they are called have spent time in jail for refusing to be part of the brutal Israeli reign of terror over the Palestinians.
There are also many courageous Jews around the world who have spoken out against their government’s brutal de-facto apartheid policies towards Palestinians living in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. 10,000 marched yesterday in Israel calling for an end to the Gaza Massacre and the occupation of Palestinian land.
Because of her high profile in Israel Peer could help these peace efforts by speaking out against her government’s policies. By her silence however she is complicit with the regime.
Protest from 10am tomorrow at ASB tennis centre at Stanley Street
GPJA will hold an information protest outside the ASB Classic in Stanley Street tomorrow from 10am. (note the change from the 9am indicated earlier) The intention of the protest is to inform the tennis public on the situation in Gaza and to call for Shahar Peer to withdraw from the tournament.

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