Filipaina: Mangere’s man in the middle
5 November 08
Filipaina: Mangere’s man in the middle
Mangere candidate Jerry Filipaina is certain of one thing. Unlike the other candidates, he’s been at the Mangere markets nearly every Saturday this year and has door-knocked the electorate with his campaign team nearly five times over 12 months.
“I set out to show the Mangere electorate that I didn’t want to just ask for the vote. I wanted to earn it. And I think I’ve gone a long way in proving that. I also know that the old-school method of visiting households is the toughest campaign approach, but it is a tried and proven method of success and has given me an opportunity to understand what our people are really thinking,” says Mr Filipaina.
The battle for Mangere has recently been pitched as a two-horse race between Taito Field and William Sio. But there has been nothing released in the way of polls involving the candidates to back that up.
Coming from a prominent Pacific family and having been raised, schooled and living in Mangere, Mr Filipiana is confident his efforts will pay off come Election Day.
“There are a number of quality candidates standing up for Mangere, which has effectively leveled the playing field. People have had enough of the political banter and just want to have representation they can trust and relate to. I’m committed to working for Mangere families and hope that my efforts over the last 12 months has proven that to our people,” he added.
Mr Filipaina will spend the rest of the week completing his 5th and final canvas of the electorate and is well positioned to be the candidate who comes through the middle between Sio and Field on Election Day.