Politics by numbers: Paul Adams
Politics by numbers: Paul Adams

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30 October 2008
Politics by numbers: Paul Adams
Family Party deputy leader Paul
Adams is utilising artwork in his educating of the East
Coast Bays Electorate about the benefits of splitting their
vote for double representation.
Running in his 3rd Election campaign, Mr Adams is asking East Coast Bays voters to give him their electorate vote because the incumbent Murray McCully ranks 11 on National’s party list, meaning that Mr McCully will get back into parliament with or without East Coast Bays’ vote.
By voting for Mr Adams, East Coast Bays will enjoy double the representation over the next three years.
“This is the second flier of this kind that has gone out to householders and I am very confident with this being my third campaign, that East Coast Bays will vote strategically to double their representation in Parliament,” says Mr Adams.
The Family Party Mangere candidate Jerry Filipaina will be utilising a similar flier in the finals stages of his campaign. Mangere and East Coast Bays could well become defining electorates in the outcome of the election.
Family Party online