Kiwi icons enhance meaning of appeal
For immediate release
Monday 29 September
Kiwi icons enhance meaning of Save the Children’s Annual Appeal
Sir Edmund Hillary, Katherine Sheppard, Sir Apirana Ngata and Ernest Rutherford are New Zealand icons who adorn our country’s dollar bills; but come the week of 13 - 19 October they will be replaced by the face of a child in Save the Children’s nationwide Annual Appeal campaign.
During Save the Children’s Annual Appeal, replicas of New Zealand’s $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 notes will instead feature a portrait of a child whose life has been transformed through the work of Save the Children.
Television screens, bus shelters, as well as libraries, community centres, shops and universities around the country will be displaying these images, connecting the New Zealand public with Save the Children’s work in fighting for children’s rights.
“The figures immortalised on New Zealand’s dollar bills exemplify what it means to be a kiwi. Each icon represents a life full of incredible achievements,” says John Bowis, Executive Director of Save the Children New Zealand. “By switching their image with that of a child we are saying that the potential of children is boundless. If given the chance to succeed, who knows what they can achieve”.
Having a strong New Zealand feel to the campaign, devised by Wellington-based creative agency Base Two, was important. “Putting the work of Save the Children in a New Zealand context was essential”, says Base Two Account Director Matthew Savage. “The organisation has a strong focus on the rights of New Zealand children, and we wanted to show that. It also shows that New Zealanders can play a vital part in helping the lives of New Zealand children, as well as helping children around the world”.
It is not only the country’s currency that’s been used to create this very kiwi campaign. The television commercial has continued the home grown theme with original soundtrack composed by New Zealand musician David Long who, amongst various other musical achievements worked on sound design for Peter Jackson’s King Kong and Lord of the Rings trilogy. The voiceover is provided by much-loved New Zealand actress Miranda Harcourt.
“It is a great pleasure to be part of Save the Children”, says Miranda Harcourt. “This year’s Annual Appeal campaign is stunning. It reflects the positive changes that Save the Children is making around the world, but also makes it clear that more needs to be done. By supporting Save the Children you can help to ensure that their incredible work is continued”.
Make a difference by making a donation to Save the Children. Join us in the fight for children’s rights.
Money raised from the 2008 Annual Appeal will go to support Save the Children’s sustainable development projects in more than 20 countries overseas. It will also support New Zealand-based programmes.
Save the Children’s nationwide
Annual Appeal runs from 13 – 19 October.
To support you
can: Donate online by visiting;
Make a $20 donation by calling 0900 67168 or send a cheque
to PO Box 6584, Marion Square, Wellington.
For more
information / interviews or to view the Annual Appeal
artwork contact:
Shelley McCarten, Communications
Advisor, Save the Children New Zealand
04 381 7573 / 021
108 9131 /
the Children is the world’s leading independent
organisation for children, with members in 27 countries
making a difference to children’s lives in over 120
countries. Save the Children fights for children’s rights
and delivers immediate and lasting improvements to
children’s lives that help to make them healthy, educated
and protected.
Note to editors: Annual Appeal 08
Artwork and Case Studies
The key messages associated with the Annual Appeal are: Poverty can be conquered; Discrimination can be overcome; We all deserve dignity; We need to stand up for children’s rights; Education creates opportunity.
$5 note:
Sir Edmund Hillary conquered Mt Everest 55 years ago.
Sir Ed believed in the power of the human spirit and
encouraged regular people to achieve the remarkable. During
his last mountaineering expedition in Nepal he asked the
sherpas what he could do for their village. They simply
replied the opportunity for their children to go to school.
For many children around the world poverty is a mountain that they climb everyday. With education we can break this cycle of poverty. Adults with primary education earn twice as much as an adult without. Every year of schooling increases both men’s and women’s wages by an average of 10%.
Peter (pictured on the $5 note) is from the Dalit region of Nepal. One of the poorest countries in the world, Nepal has an estimated 31% of its population living below the poverty line. Through Save the Children’s programme Social Movement for Education in Nepal, Peter is now able to attend school. Quality education will increase Peter’s earning potential, enable him to keep his family healthier and improve his ability to break the cycle of poverty.
$10 note:
Kate Sheppard was the most prominent leader of the campaign for universal suffrage in New Zealand. She passionately believed in equality for all and her efforts led to New Zealand becoming the first country in the world to extend voting rights to women. Over 100 years later there are still millions of children around the world who are discriminated against from birth based on their gender, race or class.
Globally many girls face prejudice by being denied the right to education. Ana (featured on the $10 note) is from the Uíge Province of Angola. With sporadic unrest Angola ranks as one of the worst places for children to grow up in the world. High levels of poverty means resources are not directed to education. Currently in Angola over a quarter of all children aged between five and fourteen do not go to school.
Save the Children is working with the Angolan Government to increase the number of children, especially girls, who can go to school. Ana now has been given the chance to attend school in a newly built building which Save the Children funded.
Further case studies are
available for:
• Mai from Vietnam who features on the
NZ $20 bill. Key message of WE ALL DESERVE
• Cedric from Angola who features on the NZ
$50 bill, Key message of STAND UP FOR THEIR
• Johan from Colombia who features on the NZ
$100 bill. Key message of EDUCATION CREATES