New Patron for Age Concern New Zealand
Age Concern New Zealand media release
New Patron for Age Concern New Zealand
8 July 2008
The national organisation that works for the rights and wellbeing of older people is delighted to announce that retired Judge Ken Mason (73) is its new Patron.
"The more I learn about Age Concern New Zealand, the more impressed I become by their range of vital work for people. It’s a very worthwhile organisation." says Judge Mason.
Ken Mason (Ngai Tahu) has a distinguished career as a district court judge, leader of several inquiries in the mental health field, 18 years in race relations conciliator roles, and as a former commissioner of the Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commission Te Ohu Kai Moana.
"One of my primary interests has been the youth justice system, and this is now well complemented by my new role working with older people."
National President Liz Baxendine says "Age Concern will be honoured to receive Ken Mason's guidance and friendship. Throughout his career he has worked to achieve justice for disadvantaged groups in our community, with great wisdom and humanity."
"Age Concern, as a charity working to serve the needs of New Zealand's older people, depends on the valued service of thousands of volunteers such as our new Patron."
Ken Mason was invited to become Patron by Dame Augusta Wallace, Age Concern's first Patron, who died in April.