Guns Better Than Golf Clubs

Published: Sun 15 Jun 2008 11:41 AM
Guns Better Than Golf Clubs
"Rotorua liquor store worker Harbihajan Singh had to fight off two robbers with a golf club, and says that he should have been allowed a gun.  We agree," says Libertarianz spokesman Peter Cresswell.  "The use of firearms in self-defence would go a long way to deterring violent crime in New Zealand and would also reduce the number of violent criminals in our society."
"Using force to protect one's life or that of another person is legal under the 1961 Crimes Act," Cresswell explains. "This is the same law that the police operate under, and it should apply to ALL New Zealanders.  Police should enthusiastically support this law to maintain public support.  After all, the life of a police officer has the same value as the life of any other New Zealander."
"Currently the police are hell-bent on alienating the public by maintaining a policy of prosecuting decent New Zealanders who use firearms for the purpose of self-defence.  Clearly, police policy contradicts the law on this matter," Cresswell says.  "We do agree with police that if members of the public choose to defend themselves with a weapon, it will make a dangerous situation worse - worse for the criminal, that is.  This would be beneficial to society as a whole."
"While the Libertarianz do not advocate the use of high powered rifles in built up areas, there are firearms that are suitable for close quarter defence such as a shotgun or pistol.  Also, we should remember that weapons suitable for self-defence are not limited to firearms," Cresswell concludes. "Pepper spray and tasers should also be legal for New Zealanders to use if they choose to defend themselves."

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