EPMU to fight National’s attack on democracy
EPMU to fight National’s attack on democracy
The Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union says it will vigorously oppose the National Party’s attempts to silence its 50,000 members.
On Friday the EPMU received notice that the National Party is appealing for a judicial review into the Electoral Commission’s decision to allow the union to register as a third party under the Electoral Finance Act, as well as an injunction to silence the union until after the case is decided.
The High Court met with lawyers this morning, although no firm date has yet been set for a full hearing.
EPMU national secretary Andrew Little says National’s actions reveal the truth behind its rhetoric about free speech and democracy.
“This is not a noble crusade by the National Party for truth and justice, but an attempt to shut out the voice of working New Zealanders from debating employment policies and issues during the election campaign.
“The union has advised the High Court that it is not affected by a further delay in being registered as a third party and we will cooperate with the court to have the matter heard as soon as possible.”
The EPMU is New Zealand's largest private sector union and in 2006 led the campaign to defeat National's attempt to remove the right of workers to appeal against unfair dismissal during their first 90 days in a new job. This is still National Party policy.