Shameful rating in International Crime Survey
Shameful rating in International Crime Survey
The Family Party says a European based International Crime Victims Survey that has New Zealand ranked third highest of 30 countries for conventional crime rates should serve as a wake up call to government and community.
New Zealand scores poorly on burglary, assaults, robbery, and sexual assaults. It was the highest for thefts from cars, second highest for burglary, fifth for assaults and threats, 10th for robbery, and 11th for sexual assaults against women.
Richard Lewis says the trends reflect poorly on the social fabric of our communities and says government is partly to blame.
"These rankings reflect very poorly on all of us. It's time to ask some hard questions. This is not just an issue of law and order. Deeper than that, it's about the kinds of values and attitudes we hold as a society that are creating these outcomes. Labour's nine years of social experimentation has failed," he says.
Lewis believes that while pouring more resources into policing and the justice system may be a temporary fix, they will not address the root issues.
"Ultimately, until we restore the balance of rights with responsibilities, and a sense of traditional values that deem family structure, marriage longevity and parental responsibility as important, and set enforceable boundaries for our young in the home, then crime will continue to be a major problem for our community and government," he added.
Richard Lewis, a former South Auckland Police Sergeant, is standing in Manukau in the 2008 General Election.