Kids Commissioner out of touch with reality
Kids Commissioner out of touch with reality
Statement from Paul Adams
Deputy leader
23 Feb 2008. I just have one question for Cindy Kiro after reading her recent press statement that seeks to give children power over decent, law-abiding parents.
She has criticised the motives of the many good people who have gathered signatures for the anti smacking petition. She says, “if the petition backers truly cared about good parenting, they would, like all the reputable national and international child welfare organisations, be encouraging positive parenting. They would acknowledge that we know more about parenting and child health and development now than we did in our parents’, grandparents’ and great grandparents’ times.”
If that really is correct my question is: “Why did former generations achieve far better results on average in their era than the modern parent does today?”
The answer is really quite simple. The traditional values our forebears lived by understood that home is the first place of formation and that setting and reinforcing boundaries in the home was a fundamental right and responsibility of parents. Parents knew the difference between a responsible corrective ‘smack’ and abuse.
Secondly, they had a pro-family Government that reflected the traditional values of our community and supported parents in their role, meaning our parents and grandparents didn’t have politicians undermining their values and meddling in their lives on a daily basis.
The public of New Zealand is sick and tired of a ‘control-freak’ government and that is why thousands have been more than happy to sign the petition. Yes there will be a referendum, but will the bureaucrats take any notice? Judging on past performance, I don’t hold out to much hope, but at least this election the public have a real opportunity to vote according to our traditional values.
However, if we vote the same parties and politicians we can expect the same results. This year we can end the disastrous social experiment and get back to the traditional values that create stable, healthy and successful communities.
The Family Party is fighting for the return of traditional family values just like that of our grandparents and great grandparents. Sure, our grandparents didn’t get it right all the time but at least they could walk down the street without getting bashed, raped, mugged or murdered – by a teenager.