Abortion Statistics - New Zealand
Media Release
The Abortion Supervisory Committee in its report to Parliament advised that there were 17,934 abortions reported in New Zealand for the year 2006.
Information provided in the report reveals that 7703 woman who had an abortion were using contraception, ie 43% of the total. 2399,13.4% were using oral contraceptives, and 4785, 26.7%, were using condoms. These statistics have been consistant since reporting began in 1978. Right to Life believes that these important statistics prove that contraception has a high and unacceptable failure rate and do not prevent pregnancy. Our appaling abortion statistics also reveal the tragic killing of innocent unborn children and the damage inflicted on the physical and psychological health of women the second victims of abortion.It also exposes the lie promoted by the government and Family Planning that we need more use of condoms. The government laments our nations unacceptably high abortion statistics and mistakenly believes that we need more comprehensive sex education in schools and an increased use of condoms. Right to Life will continue to vigourously lobby government to introduce abstinence programmes in schools. This year was the 30th anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Sterilisation and Abortion Act that was passed by Parliament in 1977 with the firm objective of providing effective legal protection for the human rights of unborn children. This has been 30 years of shame that is an intolerable burden on the conscience of this nation. During this time the Abortion Supervisory Committee have presided over an abortion industry that has killed more that 350,000 helples and defenceless unborn children. The first objective of government is to protect the lives of all its citizens from the very moment of conception.To its deep shame it has not taken any action to address the plight of unborn children in New Zealand. At the United Nations it proudly supported an international moratorium on capital punishment, while it home it still shamefully retains the death penalty for unborn children.In 2006 the government paid the 205 appointed abortion certifying consultants $5,026.000 in fees for authorising the killing of unborn children. Right to Life believes that the government is paying doctors to lie by using mental health grounds for 98.9% of abortions in order to provide abortion on demand.