Wanted: recognition and support for parents
Media Release 9 February 2008
Wanted: recognition and support for parents
Parenting is a vital role in ensuring that children get the best start in life. But it is disappointing to find that nearly two-thirds of parents surveyed by the Families Commission believe that New Zealand society views their role as either not important or 'somewhat' important.
"We need to ask ourselves as a nation and as individuals - what can we do to help provide parents with the recognition and support they need?" asks Paul Baigent, CEO Plunket.
"Many parents are lucky to have family or whanau they can turn to for help and support. But all parents need access to support services and advice, and in a way that is relevant to them."
Yesterday, the Families Commission launched a new website as part of their two-year 'Parenting, the best day's work you'll ever do' programme to promote the importance of parenting.
"Being able to provide credible information and visibility of the range of services that are available to parents through this new website is a great step in recognising the significance of the parenting role" says Mr Baigent.
As part of its Five Years For Under Fives future focus, Plunket is calling for the whole of New Zealand to take responsibility to provide more support for parents, families and whanau.
Plunket is pledging to deliver more support in accordance with families' needs; and to work with others in the sector to create an integrated, shared network of support, so that every family will be given the opportunity to access the services they need.