Yachtsman Solo Protest Sail To Southern Ocean

Published: Tue 4 Dec 2007 10:56 AM
4 December 2007
Yachtsman Solo Protest Sail To Southern Ocean
David Taylor a Tauranga yachtsman is about to sail solo down to the Southern Ocean in protest at the appalling planned killing of Humpback whales along with Fin and Minki whales by Japan. His aim is raise awareness and hopefully action from fellow New Zealander’s.
The Humpback whale is an endangered species almost hunted to extinction until it was protected by a 1965 worldwide moratorium but the Japanese whaling fleet left Japan on the 18th November to kill 50 Humpbacks under the guise of scientific study along with 1000 other whales.
David has a science degree and has helped survey Humpbacks in Niue and Tonga, Killing even one whale is not necessary let alone 50, and the breeding stock will not stand this kind of loss. The Japanese are constantly increasing the number of whales they kill under the guise of science and must be encouraged to stop, this will only happen with pressure from other governments and public outcry. David’s hope is that by undertaking this protest, that other New Zealanders will ask or demand that their members of parliament force the government to take more assertive action. This solo sailing in the Southern Ocean is a challenging task not only on David and boat but also on family and loved ones he leaves behind.
David a 54 year old father of two grown daughters and two grand daughters, is engaged about to remarry in the New Year.
A dedicated and experienced yachtsman he has sailed the Pacific many times over many years. He returned as an adult in 2000 to study and gain a degree a Bachelor of Applied Science and then a postgraduate degree in secondary school teaching.
David has a passion for the sea and life. Sailing the Southern Ocean is a risky and expensive undertaking David would gratefully welcome any sponsors in helping get the likes of a satellite phone, survival gear, collision avoidance system, provisions etc. Also in promoting and advancement of this protest voyage. David is hoping for a web page that he can up date during the two months of protest.
If you have any feeling of injustice or disgust at this proposed killing of the Humpbacks and other whales tell others, be active, contact your Member of Parliament, sign a petition, do something or nothing will change and this year we will lose 50 Humpbacks and next year who knows what will be targeted. Think of the future what is lost cannot be replaced.

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