Who Are The Real Criminals?
2nd November 2007
Who Are The Real Criminals?
A Police blunder is being blamed for the recent attack on an elderly widow in Howick but the Sensible Sentencing Trust say it is not the Police that are fault and say it is time we asked ourselves just “Who are the real criminals”?
Trust Spokesman Garth McVicar believes it is too easy to blame the Police, Courts, Corrections or Parole Board.
McVicar believes the responsibility lies fairly and squarely with Legislators and Bureaucrats in Wellington collaborating with weak Governments to implement legislation allowing repeat violent criminals back on the streets.
“Political manipulation and interference means that New Zealand’s Justice System is not just morally and intellectually bankrupt, it is corrupt.”
“How else can one describe a legal process that continues to deceive the public and put innocent lives at risk?”
“Graeme Burton killed while on
Parole, Michael Curran killed while on Bail, and the
criminal who beat up the elderly lady was on Home Detention.
They will serve prison time for their offences but the real
criminals are still at large.”
“Wellington is the power centre for the Country – it is the very heart of bureaucracy – at the stroke of a pen burearocrats and there political masters decide if criminals are Bailed or Paroled, and when.
“They have introduced legislation that is releasing dangerous criminals on Bail, Parole or Home Detention. Tragedy has followed tragedy. Scandal has followed scandal.” McVicar said.
“System Failure” is being blamed for these disasters, but these are man-made totally preventable – and worse still –predictable tragedies that heave cost innocent lives.”
“I am not sure if it is the wind or something in the water, or just an old-boys network of burearocrats and has-been politicians, but something has gone badly wrong in Wellington over recent years.”
“The stupidity continues.”